Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Please use this thread to introduce yourself to the group.

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I have been homeschooling my two children their entire lives, I like to say. My son just turned 8 this month and my daughter is 5 and a half. I will be doing 3rd grade with my son this school year and Kindergarten with my daughter. I love watching them learn, love helping them learn, and love providing a safe environment for them to explore. My son has begun showing interest in genealogy and I cannot wait to incorporate genealogy into our learning.
I homeschooled my youngest 2 sons for 12 years. They have families of their own now, and I hope they will decide to homeschool their children eventually. I hope you don't mind me joining your group. While I no longer have kids that I am homeschooling I will always be a homeschool mom.
Dawn, I created the group for current and former homeschoolers, so you are very welcome here. I believe us current homeschoolers should always be surrounding by those who have been through it. Makes us feel more like a family, especially knowing that we will Thank you for joining and introducing yourself.
Dee, wow, 6 kids. I bet you get that a lot. I'm not sure I would have the patience to have 6 kids, let alone homeschool six kids. Welcome to the group. Thank you for joining and introducting yourself. :)
15 kids? WOW! I really admire anyone who has more than 2, but have a lot of admiration from me. I wish I had the patience for a large family. I agree that genealogy is a wonderful hobby to have, and one that I wish every parent participated in with their children.



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