Genealogy Wise

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Hello All ,still looking for details on the death of the following ,Giesen Gerhard,Giesen Joes Hermannus,Giesen Wihelmus,any details would be nice Kind Regards Albertus(Bertjl).

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Hey Bertjl,  This reply applies to you & several others:

Any details, indeed, would be nice.  For us or anyone to be able to help you, you'll need to provide some sort of place & year. China? 1492?  Germany? USA? Holland? Suspected town: Giessen, Hessen? Geyser Falls? Their birth years & places?  parents? siblings?  Something to pin it down for us.

Hello  Karl-Michael Sala,Sorry about that did not think too well eh,Surnames ,Giesen Johann Heinrick bap 20/11/1831,now not sure about the( towns or registration office),Mulheim Labensort:Mulheiom an der Ruhr, Parents Giesen Gerhard birth 02/07/1806 in Mulheim Qu: Mulheim an der Ruhr St.Archiv 800/64,6 S.201 Lebensort:, If at all possible would be very nice to get any  Death details on them Please ,also Anna Giesen Birth 22/02/1810 , Magdalena Birth 02/04/1812, Maria Giesen Birth 17/10/1818, Joes Hermannus Giesen  Bap 19/03/1782,  All were Baptised or Born in ( Mulheim/Lebensort ), I do not know what scource or site i got them from but some of it is in German and whom sent it to me, But think it was from this site ,hope this helps and once again sorry for not putting enough details in the previous message ,Kind Regards Bertjl.



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