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My grandfather was Alfred William Ott son of Jacob Ott and Frederica Greneger of Wurtenberg.They emigrated to New Zealand.Can anyone help me to find ancestors of Jacob(I think his second name may have been John,or equivalent in Germany)Dorothy Hollings Australia

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I would expect, then., that his first name was not Jacob. His name probably was Johann Jacob.

I am assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that you are referring to Wuertemberg, which was a Kingdom until the 1870s and a state in Germany until the 1950s.

It would help if you knew (1) what town in Wuerttemberg he was from and (2) about when he emigrated. has Wuerttemberg emigration lists.
Hello Michael,I'm sorry I don't understand the German language.Do you possibly know English?
Regards Dorothy
Hi Michael,Thank you for taking the time to try to help.
My relatives were Protestant.On the copy of the marriage cert. that I got, the Greneger name was spelt that way.
I have not been able to find out just what part of Wurtemberg they came from or even the year.
I have trawled through passenger lists and have tried with no success to find out anything else about him.I will try those sites you have given me.From the date of the marriage cert(1905).when my grandfather was 36, his mother and father must have emigrated earlyish !800's.
I will let you know if I have any success.
Regards Dorothy
Hello Michael,I didn't find anything useful on those sites.Thank you anyway.
Regards Dorothy
I have a Maximillian Ott, brother Joseph Anton Ott. Max was born abt 1827 and immigrated to the United States in 1848 from Wurttemburg, Germany. Joseph Anton married Anna Baur, had a daughter Emilia Ott. Emilia married Wilhelm Funk.
Hello Sheryl,Thank you for your reply.But my Ott's emigrated to New Zealand from Wurtenberg Germany.
I now have a little more information on my Otts.Jacob was a shoemaker born Dorrach,Tubingen.Went to N.Z.(in 1850s) to work for North German Missionary Society(Lutheran)(wasn't a member) as a shoemaker.Worked on Ruapeke Island in Foveaux Strait.Financed his brother Georg and a sister(name unknown) to N.Z.When he had made sufficient money he became a hotel owner just outside of Invercargill,South Island N.Z.Died at age 45.Had four sons.Charles,Henry,Alfred(my grandfather),Frank.
Is anybody able to look for records in Dorrach?



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