Genealogy Wise

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I want to know when some of my ancestor's German town was established... Wiki doesn't seems to have what I am looking for... Is there a German Encyclopedia.. is there history of german towns.. I know I can always google it or use some kind of search engine... I want real facts...

I would like to know what involve as my ancestor was a weingartner... wine gardener.. I want to know more about their lifestyle... This is just one occupation that most of my ancestor were...

Debbe Hagner

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I don't know if I can answer your question, but have one of my own. My grandmother's sister was married to a William Hagner. They lived in Baltimore and the Washington, D.C. area. Any relation?

Roy Schmidt
Yes there is a connect... Are you related to Peter Valentine HAGNER??? Give me William Hagner birthday and I can give you a report on what I have... I several William Hagner so I want to give you the right one...
Hi Debbe,
Here's my post-All Hallow's Eve non-goulish, I mean non-Googlish reply: I have researched hundreds of these Weinga(e)rtner. It does not take research, however, to know that a wine gardener did Anything & Everything associated with grapes, the vineyard, the land & the property!

This means not only working with the whole grapes & any other produce, but also likely the juices, wines, jams & jellies, etc. Of course, the reality news is that, omigosh, there is much manual labor associated with planting, preparation, weeding, watering, clipping, cultivating, loading, pressing, processing, pruning, separating, cleaning, distributing, marketing, selling, etc.

More soon to come on your difficult Prussia-Silesia (Preussen-Schlesien) ancestral research case. Thanks for your confidence. We're pleased with some findings; displeased with other non-findings.

Your genealogist, Karl-Michael Sala, International Ancestral Genealogist since 1979!
602-503-0775 = 1-888-456-7252



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