Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

This doesn't seem a very active Group.

Do Guild members know about it?

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I am sure most Guild members have forgotten about it as there are many other channels to communicate through. I still have my study on GW, with some activity.

I've been a member of the Guild for over 2 years and have only just discovered it. I joined the FB Group way back.

We haven't really advertised this group for a while because GenealogyWise is so rarely used.

GenealogyWise doesn't seem to be used very much these days. We tend to communicate with other Guild members either in the Facebook group, the Forum or the mailing list.

Not many. But it would be good to keep it active as there is a One-Name Studies course at NIGS. No idea % of those who already have a registered study. NIGS Students will know about Genealogy Wise, I think. And surname groups here too. 



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