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Is anyone here from Latin America?

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Hi María,
My name is Evelyn Margarita WILSON González (married to Hutto). My mother is Carmen Norma GONZÁLEZ Arana from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. I had the Y-DNA done for my mother's brother and the results were -

Y-DNA Haplogroup:
1. Family Tree Y-DNA64 - R1b1b2
2. 23andMe - R1b1b2a1a2

1. Family Tree mtDNA Plus - J1a
2. Family Tree Mega - J2a1a
3. 23andMe - J2a

Where are you from?
Hi Evelin
I'm from Colombia and my brother's Y DNA results are R1b. He's paying for the subclade test to find out what the other letters are.
I'm Mtdna haplogroup B from my mother's side, which is Native American. I think that most Colombians or all Colombians are NA by their mother's side.



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