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Heilman Surname

This is for anyone researching the Heilman family

Members: 7
Latest Activity: Aug 4, 2015

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Comment by Kim ( Hillman) Hays on March 13, 2015 at 10:31pm


   My maiden name is Kim Tara Hillman,but have learned it was originally Heilman...We apparently descend from a Hans Wendel Heilman (I *think) who arrived in the early 1700's ...Hope everyone is well,and look forward to both sharing & learning with you all.. :)


Comment by Shelley Moore Hallman on February 12, 2015 at 2:41pm

  Nearly 2 years and no comments!  With  all the Heilman, Holman, Hallman (s) out their someone should have some info they would be willing to share! We did do the FTDNA for my husband  but I am not great at reading (understanding) the results.   Hope to hear from someone soon! 

Comment by Shelley Moore Hallman on March 9, 2013 at 2:56am

The information that I have for my husbands surname begins with Thomas Heilman and Margarette Schoenschuetz in Ostpreussen,Germany . No idea of birthdates or number of children.  I have one child named  Andreas HEILMAN b. 15 Nov 1688.  Then I have Andreau and the same Margette as the parents for  Hans Wendal born about 1710 in Germany.  Well apparently Hans was so upset about his Mother and Grandmother being the same person that he hopped on the good ship Harle and left  from Rotterdam  for the Americas in 1737..  He arrived in South Carolina .  It is or should be obivious that this information has been picked up in bits and pieces from online and trees and from some other individuals researching the Heliman, Holman, Hallmans.  I would like to communicate with others involved with this family to determine correct names. better than"ca" for numerous dates . As it is goes now I believe that 3 brothers came to the American Colonies and I think That they landed in S.C.  One brother went to Pennsylvania, one went to Georgia and I think i read somewhere that the 3rd one stayed in Carolina.  HANS WENDEL HEILMAN , married Christina  Henning and died in South Carolina about 1810.  His son was Jacob HOLMAN b. ca 1733 -died  ca 1790..SC.   His son Jacob HOLMAN b. 1756  eventually had a son Jacob HALLMAN about 1784 also in SC and this  the 1st Hallman in this family, died in Bibb County Alabama in 1858.  He married Elizabeth Weaver in 1806. They had (among others) Jesse, 1808  then our line is Daniel 1834, Daniel JAMES, 1861, Daniel James aka as DJ born 1905 , Noland, 1926,. then my husband,(His brother has initial D.J) my boys one is a J.D) ,and then my grandsons.   And one f them is named HANS but he is not a Hallman.  So I want to emphasis that little of this info has back up documentation!  I know that from Jesse down this line is close to good..if not 100%.  I would like to compare info and also hopefully find out more about the family, what they did, religion, reasons for migration, wives names ,..everything I can discover    

Comment by Keith McKain on November 11, 2009 at 9:35am
Not sure about the rest of you - but my Heilmans had a habit of marrying other Heilmans! (unrelated in at least 3 generations - but with the same surname). My database includes 104 Heilmans o mostly from Lebanon County, PA. Check it out at:

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