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Howard Genealogy

This group is for anyone interested in Howard genealogy.

Members: 27
Latest Activity: Apr 27, 2020

Discussion Forum

John Henry Howard b. 1826 d. 1863

Started by Chuck Howard May 30, 2012. 0 Replies

Jane Howard

Started by Casidy Andersen Jul 26, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by Bonnie Elsten on August 25, 2014 at 5:45pm

I am looking for a marriage of Elias Howard. b 10 April 1771 in Lyme, Grafton, New Hampshire. He married about 1794 Betsy Gatchell Simmons. I have searched for years and viewed many rolls of microfilm with no success.

Comment by Betsy Connolly on June 27, 2012 at 9:13am

Looking for info on Howards in Utica NY.  My grandfather James henry Howard born abt 1876 in Gloversville NY, boatman on the Erie Canal, married Mary Mathy.  Can not find any info on him other than in the census 1910, 1920 and 1930.  He was called Grandpa Orey ???

Comment by nancy ann cole on January 11, 2011 at 1:47am
would love to join your group--my husbands grandmother was jennie howard from barton, colbert co., alabama--her parents were henry and mary barnett howard, and siblings were henry jr.-james-and i think william--Henry Howard Sr. was from southern Tennessee, and Mary and children born in Alabama--i believe they all eventually died in alabama--trying to find out more about them-- henry sr. born about 1840 and mary born about 1845--jennie born 1870, died as jennie howard wallace after childbirth with my husbands mother maud, 1889/1890 in lauderdale co. alabama-- around florence.
Comment by joanna howard on August 1, 2010 at 12:21pm
Searching for Howards who emigrated from Dublin to Boston, Mass. in the 1800's.
Comment by Lori Hunter Moore on June 28, 2010 at 2:20am
Looking for information on George Noel Howard....born NC, married Jane Jennie Starr in TX had a son, George Alvin Howard, Jennie passed shortly after that. Noel started back to NC with baby, got sick and died in Memphis, TN. Both the Starr and Howard families were informed and went to get the baby, the Howard family arrived and George Alvin Howard lived with them until his teenage yrs.
I Don't know the parents.........
Comment by Helen Pust on April 15, 2010 at 9:24am
Most of my Howard family are from Hertfordshire;

Sarah Jane HOWARD b. 28 Nov 1857 Barley, Hertfordshire Eng. m. Richard Benjamin Worsfold 18 jul 1878 d.16 Sep 1913 Big Valley, Alberta

father: William Walter Howard - b. abt. 1829 Barley, Hertfordshire, Eng. m. Anne Hayes (b.1830 Barley Hertfordshire) 1851 Royston, Hertfordshire

ggrandf; George Howard b. 29 Apr 1787 Barley Hertfordshire m. Sarah Winton (b. abt 1791 Barley) 14 Jul 1816 Therfield, Eng
other ggf; William Howard b 07 Apr 1851 Barley m. Susannah Shore
William Howard b. 1722 Watford, Hertfordshire m. Sarah Moule

I would have liked to know Sarah Jane as from stories about her, she was quite the lady
Comment by Carole A. Chapman on August 5, 2009 at 11:38pm
Here is all I have:

Zilpha HOWARD (b. 1776?) + Nathan Cummins =
Adin Drake Cummins (b. 1805 NY) + Mercy Skinner (b. 1804 ; m. 1825) =
Jeptha Cummins (b. 1827) + Phoebe Heaton Dickerson (b. 1829 NY ; m. 1852

I love the name Zilpha, it may be easy to find more about her!!

Members (27)



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