Genealogy Wise

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Attached is what little I have on the family and mainly concerning my direct line, having trouble with my genie program and would only print out 3 generations. Anyway, additions/corrections & especially history/ancestry on Hugo and his two wives would be of interest. Thanks, Jim.

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I think that you have some names incorrect and be missing a few children. Check my website at Hugo Freer is my 8th great grandfather. There is also a
Freer website that you might find informative.

I have no Freer connections. But i came across an unusual arms for Freer from Luxembourg. Then while going through a German armorial I came across a Freher arms that shared a same element( a webbed birds foot) not sure if this was any interest to you.

Jannetje Freer who married Johannes / Jan / John Teerpenning / Tarpenning are my husband's 5G Grandparents. His mother was also a Freer - Hester / Esther b. Oct 1699. Their son Simon Teerpenning married Francinte Van Benschoten (husband's 4th G grandparents) and had a son John Tarpenning who married Mary "Polly" Wagner (3rd G grandparents  and had a daughter Jane who married John Chadwick (2nd great grandparents).  My goal is to find evidence that Jane Tarpenning is the daughter of John Teerpenning and Mary "Polly" Wagner. Jane was born in Cooperstown on 15 Sep 1821 per her son's entry in the family Bible, and it agrees with her obiturary.  Any ideas?



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