Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

If you are researching or interested in Gibson Co., IN genealogically, please post your queries, family information, any resources you'd like to share and anything else that you feel is applicable to Gibson Co. here. If you would prefer that your post be viewed by the whole group, post it to the Comment Wall and not here (please don't double post to both places), just keep in mind that posts in the Comment Wall will quickly be buried by new posts...

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Greetings! My great-greats were in Gibson County, and possibly buried out at Montgomery Cemetery in Oakland Cemetery. (I hope to get there some day for research) This would be the Woolsey, Mayberry and Scales groups. I would very much like information on Elizabeth Ann Woolsey that was the first wife of Henry W. Mayberry. She died 22 May, 1888, just one week after giving birth to daughter #4, Zula, born and died 15 May, 1888. I would really appreciate any help you can give. Thanks!
Looking for information regarding the death of George J Reeves -- He was married to Caroline (Downey is her believed maiden name) and lived in Posey County before moving to Gibson County. His last child was born in 1872 - he appeared on the 1870 census but Caroline was listed as a widow on the 1880 census. Please help me find a death date. Thanks
My gggg grandpa Samuel Dedman Coleman was born in Gibson County, Indiana on 21 March, 1818 (and died 25 Nov.,1889 there also) to parents Henry Coleman and Sarah Dedman Coleman of Virginia. Samuel married Charlotte Bass born 1819 in Indiana (daughter of William T. Bass of IN and Dorothy Pancake/Pfannenkutchen of Vincennes, Knox, IN) Charlotte's dad William T. Bass is a bit of a mystery though. His dad was Theophilus Bass of Franklin Co. North Carolina and his mom is listed only as Cherokee maiden. Does anyone have any info on this family? Thanks!



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