Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

WOODSIDE, Samuel b: 1761, Carnduff, Ballycastle, Ireland. Married Margaret Unknown. both are buried in Ramoan Old Graveyard (Ramoan Presbyterian Church), Ballycastle, Ireland. The had several children including: James b: 1794, m: Mary Hunter; Samuel b: 1799, m: Jane Creighton; Robert Woodside.

I am searching for more information about this family, especially who Margaret was.


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Hi Barbara: I have a bit of good news for you about who Margaret was ; She was Samuel Woodside's Wife. And is buried in Ballycastle, hope that helps in your search????
Well Alan, if only I'd posted this years ago - you've been so helpful!!

Thanks & maybe I can return the favor one day!! LOL



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