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Jennings Surname

For those who are researching the Jennings surname.

Members: 15
Latest Activity: Sep 11, 2016

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Comment by Lynn Szelock on September 11, 2016 at 9:21am
Hi Group!
My Jennings line seems to have dropped from outer space. My great grandfather emigrated to Summit County Ohio in the 1870s, presumably with his Canadian bride Jane Wickens. Ohio census records disagree as to whether he was born in Canada or England. So that's where I am stuck.
Comment by Maggi Biles on August 8, 2016 at 6:50am

John Jennings born abt 1776 in Kilmaine County Mayo married Bridget Hogan (varies to Hoban/Oben) abt 1795 and came to Australia as a guest of His Majesty in 1822, he died at Maitland NSW in 1864. Bridget and 4 girls and 2 boys came out in 1828, last girl was born in Australia in 1829. She died in Newcastle in 1864. This is same line as Rosie's but i am still trying to get a copy of the item that mentions his brother Charles

Comment by Wendy Whiteman, DAR, DRT & ADDA on June 20, 2016 at 3:30pm

The Jennings line I descend from includes, Samuel K. Jennings - Texas Ranger, b. Missouri 1828, d. 1881 Texas, his father Gordon Cartwright Jennings - Oldest Alamo Defender and Cannoneer in Capt. Carey's Invincibles, b. 1782 Windham, CT, died The Alamo, Texas, his father, Joseph Jennings, Revolutionary Soldier, Windham, CT. we have traced them back to John Jeney that arrived at Plymouth on the Little James in 1623, and built the first grist mill there. Looking for any/all info pertaining to this line. Thank You! :) Wendy

Comment by Marilyn Anne Safranek on October 21, 2012 at 11:12am

A correction for Michael Jennings. He was born in Northern Ireland in 1817. His father William Jennings was born in Seaford Down in 1790.

Comment by Marilyn Anne Safranek on October 21, 2012 at 11:09am

Comment by Marilyn Safranek,

My g-grandfather was Michael Jennings b. in Seaford, Down in 1790. Married Alice Knowles in Prescott, Lancashire in 1841. Left from Liverpool in 1842 to NYC. He came with his mother,Rose and Alice his wife. In New York he was head of Fr. Matthew"s Tempurance Union for 10 years and involved with the UnderGround Railroad . The boundaries for the Freed slaves had to be reset to Ontario,Canada because they were in Malone, New York. There was lots of land and the Irish were given some land.      Michael received 30 acres in 1850, sold it in 1853. From there he eventually came to Illinois with Alice and his children: Mary Ann, Theobald, Richard, William, John and Sarah. He started an Express Business with his sons and was quite successful.  I have a lot of information about this line of Jennings

Comment by Marilyn Anne Safranek on October 21, 2012 at 10:42am

Comment by Marilyn J. on October 21, 2012

This message is for Rosie. John Jennings had a famous brother called Charles of Kilmaine, Extremely famous soldier who fought under Ireland, Napoleon, and even in the American Revolution. John was mentioned as well as another brother. Read over Charles history, maybe you can find out more about John.

Comment by Renee K. on April 29, 2011 at 1:03am
My fourth great grandmother was Nancy Jennings born June 20, 1800 in Pennsylvania and died November 22, 1888 (unknown where, possibly Ohio).  Her father is listed as being born in New York and her mother born in Pennsylvania.  She married Elijah Coalman (Coleman) August 5, 1818 in Washington County, Ohio. 
Comment by Rosie on August 24, 2010 at 4:52pm
I have John JENNINGS from Kilmaine, County Mayo, where he married Bridget HOBAN in 1795. John was arrested for an unknown crime as a political rebel in 1822, and transported in NSW for life.
John petitioned the Governor to have his wife join him 7 years later, Bridget and the family were sent to join him in 1828 and he was then granted an exemption from government labour and allowed to work for wages to support his family.
Depite numerous petitions, John was never granted his freedom, and died in Maitland NSW still under sentence.
Comment by Shawnna Gossett on April 20, 2010 at 6:27pm
I'm looking for the parents of William M. Jennings ( 1867-1931). William was born and died in the area of Campbell/Fulton County, Georgia. His mother's name was Nancy ?(1841-bef 1910) and he married Alice Perkins. I've been searching for a long time and any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Comment by Gerald Jennings on January 8, 2010 at 8:22am
Our Jennings family tree we have traced back to Cheshire in the latter 1700's but there are quite a few missing lines emamating from this base.Several individuals disapppear especially around 1900-1910 ) Joseph born 1880, Annie born 1906, George born 1905 to name but three )and one of them emigrated to Canada, May be some other lines also emigrated from the UK - so if you have roots in Cheshire or Shropshire UK I'd love to hear from you. Our results are on Genes Reunited if you can reach them.
Gerald Jennings

Members (15)



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