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Started by Leah Kelley McJilton. Last reply by Leah Kelley McJilton Oct 11, 2017. 5 Replies

My GGGGGrandfather

Started by Cassie Jean Brewer Jul 8, 2011. 0 Replies

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Comment by Rene Rylander on July 12, 2011 at 3:00pm

According to the book "History of Barbour County" by Maxwell Hu:

Ebenezer and Rachael lived in Maryland for two years and then moved to Hampshire Co (W)VA where they remainded for 4 years and then crossed the Alleghanies into Randolph County (now Barbour) and settled near Meadowville in 1795 or early the next spring. Rachel's parents, Robert and Mary Johnson had lived near Meadowville for many years.  The 1816 Land Book records in the Randolph County Courthouse show Ebenezer Kelley purchased 250 acres of land for the sum of $45 from William Wilson.  The land was situated from the Tygarts River to the mouth of Ford Run.

Comment by Kay Fordham on July 12, 2011 at 2:53pm
Rene - where did Ebenezer and Samuel live? I am looking for parents/siblings of my ancestor Benjamin Kelly who married Rachel Perrine (of NJ). They lived in Tompkins County, NY, in the early 1800s. I know Rachel's line but cannot connect Benjamin to anyone. Rachel was born in 1776. They were married about 1794 in NJ.
Comment by Rene Rylander on July 12, 2011 at 2:36pm

My records show that Ebenezer T. Kelley's father was Samuel, altho I don't have a proof.  My notes say that Samuel lived in Somerset Co. NJ as early as 1763.  In a Google search I found that the distribution of Kelleys in Ireland during the mid 1700s was concentrated in Leinster, Munster, Connacht & Ulster.  If it is true that Samuel Kelley came from northern Ireland, then the search should be in Ulster Province, because it's the only one of the four that's in northern Ireland.

There is a book which I haven't been able to find called "Kelley Genealogy" by Eunice Kelley Randall (1962). The book supposedly covers the Kelley family all the way back to David O'Killia in 1645.  I found an email address of someone who said they have a copy of the book, so I've written to ask him/her to check for a listing for Samuel Kelley.

I also have heard of another book called "Kelly History" by Margaret Kelley Marsh, which I can't find either.


Comment by Kandie Jo Kelley on July 12, 2011 at 9:03am

Hi Cassie, 

I do know theirs like 9 or so Kelley DNA Groups. I have had others ask me about a Jonah, but have yet to link him to our side through census. I can tell you that if it is at all possible for a direct male from your Kelley line take a DNA test, it can be very helpful in your search. I know that I printed a copy of all the Kelley DNA Groups and they have list of others names. Give me a day or two to look them over and I will see if I can find what your looking for. I may also have the email information in my records as well. I hope you are well and will get back to you soon. -Kandie Kelley

Comment by Cassie Jean Brewer on July 12, 2011 at 6:01am
Hi,I am backtracking my family group sheets and I may have jumped on the band wagon before I needed to(as the old saying goes) and was more anxious to find my Ireland connections,,but I saw some family tree that had my (Jonah) Jones Kelley,(Kelly) listed with his parents listed as Ebenezer T Kelley and Rachel Johnson,,but I am having trouble locating Jones Kelley among Ebenezer and Rachels children,,can anyone help me here ,,,,My Jones Kelly(Kelley) was b. abt 1805-1810 and married Harriet C Wynn b. abt 1817 ...I just dont want to get my family tree completed but I do want it to be right for my son and grandchildren,,,I dont want to put down a family that is not in my line,,does anyone have any census records or family group sheets that has my Jones Kelley listed in the Ebenezer T Kelley and Rachel Johnson line,or if they are located in another family group,any info would be greatly appreciated,,thank you for your time and kindness and patience,,take care God bless you and your loved ones,,,Cassie
Comment by Cassie Jean Brewer on July 11, 2011 at 3:15am
Hi Kandi,,,it is so good to hear from you and thank you for replying to my email..I appreciate it so very much and so good to hear you side of the genealogy,,,that is where I am stuck also and waiting for replies on an email that I posted ,,,when I hear something I will be sure to get here and post to you and will gladly share any info with you that I receive,,I never heard that part about  him being a ship captain,,I will write that down in my notes ..thank you for your time and kindness,and will email you again soon you take care God bless you and your loved ones,,,Cassie
Comment by Kandie Jo Kelley on July 10, 2011 at 9:10pm
Hi Cassie, I am also from the Samuel Kelley line as well. My line is Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer John L. Kelley twin of Issac. My ggggf the son of John is Ebenezer named after the original Ebenezer. My gggf is Dewey W. Kelley son of Ebenezer. My ggf is Charles Dewey Kelley son of Dewey. My grandpa is Ronald Kelley whom is still alive and has taken a DNA test to prove our link to the said Ebenezer. I have gotten stuck on my search for Samuel and Eunice. I was told that he was a ship capitan and that he came here from Ireland, but have no proof as of yet for this. I do know that my ggf told my grandpa that we were Protestant and we came from Northern Ireland. I too am looking for more information, so if you find anything out I would love to know as well. I will gladly keep you updated on my end for anything new.
Comment by Cassie Jean Brewer on July 9, 2011 at 1:12pm
I am researching the Kelley,Kelly family line also,,I posted in the wrong place I believe,,I am searching for anyone with any info on my gggggrandparents,,I am searching for Samuel Kelley b. 1745 Ireland, and Eunice,,one of his sons, my ggggrandfather was Ebenezer T Kelley b. 2 Oct 1763 d. 18 May 1816 and Rachel Johnson gggrandparents were Jonah Jones Kelley b.  abt 1805-1810 and his wife Harriet C Wynn b. abt 1917,,my ggrandparents were William M Kelley and  b. Sep 1831 d. 1901 and his wife Margaret Maggie Floyd b. Mar 1877 d. 1896-97,,my grandparents were Albert Lindsey Kelley b. 8 Mar 1871 d. 14 May 1948 and his wife Annie Belle Syres, b.  1 May 1900 d.  14 Dec 1962,,and my dad was Wallace Reed Kelley b. 8 Sept 1926 d. 4 May 1978 and his wife was Peggy Jean Crawford. Any information that anyone has on my gggggrandparents would be so much appreciated as I have been searching for 23 years for them and just found them a few days ago and as you can guess I am so excited,,I am willing to share any info that I have also,,thank you for your time and kindness,,take care God bless you and your loved ones,,,Cassie
Comment by Kelli Flanders Robinson on June 4, 2011 at 5:08am
Hello!  I am researching the Kelleys in New Hampshire (ancestors of Gordon S. Kelley b. 1894).
Comment by Rene Rylander on March 20, 2011 at 1:45pm

Sorry... I should have posted here instead of sending a message to all.  Also, I made an error saying that Robert Johnson was a Civil War Vet... he fought in the Rev. War.  I have Kelleys in my tree, starting with Samuel Kelley b. 1745 in Ireland.  Gen 2 is Ebenezer T. Kelley b. 10/2/1763 b. Somerset Co, NJ d. May 1816.  He married Rachel Johnson whose father, Robert Johnson, was a veteran of the Revolutionary War.  He received 500 acres of land in Randolph Co (later Barbour)., VA.  They had 10 children.  Ebenezer bought 500 acres on Ford Run at Meridan Barbour Co.  Later coal was discovered there and his land became the center of the Meridan Mines, later called the Kelley Coal Co.  I have a copy of his will.  The 3rd gen ancestor is Samuel James Kelly (1804-1863), who received 1/4 of the lands (125 acres) and a horse.  His son, Dyer (Obediah) Kelley sold off property over a 45 year period (1859-1905) until not much of the original family land was left.  His wife died in 1890 and at the age of 59 he scandalized his children by marrying a 20 year old neighbor and making her his sole heir.  He died 13 years later and she remarried.  My great grandmother was Eunice V. Kelley (1857-1939), born in Barbour Co VA.  If you have Kelleys from this area, I'd love to hear from you!



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