Genealogy Wise

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Henry LASSITER(LASTER) born in Gatesville, NC in 1815, mariner. Who were his parents? Was he part Native American?

My great great grandfather, Henry LASTER(LASSITER) was born in Gatesville, North Carolina in 1815, according to his Seaman's Protection Certificate. (He was dark complexioned, had dark hair and hazel eyes.)
I would like to learn who his parents were and if he was part Native American.

Does anyone have access to the book
*Twelve Northampton County, North Carolina Families 1650-1850* by Rebecca L. Dozier?

Thank you for you kind help! Richard

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I have Dozier's book and a Henry Lassiter is mentioned as the son of Joseph Lassiter (1743-1792) and Ann (surname unknown). He would have been born about 1775 and died 1835. Married (Abigail ??) They had the following children: Everett, Catherine, Eliza, Cornelius and Martha Lassiter. No other Henry Lassiters are mentioned in the book.

Thank you very much, Josephine!

Unfortunately my Henry Lassiter(LASTER) was born ca. 1815, supposedly in Gatesville, NC, which was called Bennetts creek Landing till 1830, somewhere married an English immigrant named Elizabeth GREEN or GREENE, had their first daughter somewhere in Pennsylvania ca. 1843, was in Dighton, Massachusetts for the 1850 Federal census and obtained a Seaman's Protection Certificate in Fall River Massachusetts. Working as a stevedore in Boston, Mass. in 1852 he was kicked in the head by a horse, died instantly at age thirty-seven. The death record does not give the name of his parents or where he was buried. sigh! :-)

Best regards, Richard



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