Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I love being able to directly connect with or Family Search when working on a particular person! It's great when a match comes it possible to attach the source directly into Legacy? If not, that would be a great upgrade!

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Hi Florence,

I use Legacy mainly as a backup for my files and reports. I prefer to work on Ancestry for many reasons. I redate my file on Ancestry when I've added information and then download it as a GEDCOM file to export into both Legacy and Family Tree Maker 2010 software that I have. That allows all the sources to be included with the file so I don't have to add them directly into Legacy. I really don't know if you can attach source information from Ancestry to Legacy but that's how I approach it. Just a suggestion. Maybe someone else can tell you if that's possible.

Hi Steph,

I did just download my Ancestry files as a GEDCOM today, which is kind of what prompted my question. I have all my photos and documents in Legacy, though, and don't want them uploaded to Ancestry in case I ever decide to let my subscription end. So, I guess I am doing the reverse of what you are doing. My suggestion will probably never happen as that is Ancestry's "hook".

Hi again,

Well, I figure I got them in all three places so if I were to unsubscribe I still have my files in both FTM and Legacy. I also back them all up to CD's besides. The feature I like most in FTM is that you can download all your photos, docs and other material from Ancestry unlike Legacy which is a text file and you have to add photos, graphics, etc. to Legacy. I do like some of the reports from Legacy better than FTM and vise versa. As I said, maybe someone else knows if you can just attach your citations directly into Legacy. I should check that out myself as I've never looked into it.




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