Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I have noticed a facility added in a recent Legacy update (10th July) to manage the translation of British quarter dates such as "Mar Q 1888" into "bet 1 Jan and 31 Mar 1888" when a file is exported to GEDCOM.

Is this translation facility also available for other means of output such as reports and web page creation.

When I have been entering such details into Legacy I have just entered the year into the date field and created an event to store the actual quarter. This always ensured any report had a meaningful explanation of the details.

How do other Legacy users enter British birth/marriage/death dates when only the year and quarter is known?

Is there a better way of doing it?

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I hadn't thought of entering quarter date as Jan 1-Mar 31 year. I had been entering the date as Q_[which ever quarter number] year. Especially once I read that the quarter date is the recorded quarter not the birth quarter. Now most times it is the same but until I have the exact date the Q reminds me that it is an estimate. I guess because I do have between dates when I know it is between 2 exact dates.




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