Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Well, after reading many discussions on cause of death I decided to check my family view. I have been a Legacy user before it was even Legacy - I believe it started out Roots 2. Anyway, even with the updates my family view screen does NOT show cause of death as 5th display field. I usually click died and cite the cause there. Am I missing something or is that what others do too?

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Good afternoon all you wonderful Legacy readers/helpers. Was slow in responding due to a very sudden attack of bronchitus ( I really have to memorize how to spell that word), I was not able to turn on and find my help until now. YEA!!! So simple so easy and now maybe I will use my left key stroke, or examine what all those icons are for. I have another question which has probably been discussed, but frankly I am feeling terrible so will wait until I have my full brain working. Its about transfer info from l computer to another computer. Thanks again.
If you left click on the area that has birth date death date, etc., you should have a box pop up entitled "Customize Display"
Under the field name you will have the various fields such as birth date, etc. Left click on the box after the field name, you should get a long list of "Field names to Display", from this list you can choose "cause of death" Hope this is what you wanted, and I hope it helps.



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