Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I have been trying to generate a descendant chart in some form to send (pdf preferably) from my lap-

top with no printer available. I can't seem to do it. This is to share some info. while I'm 2000 miles

from home with another person not close enough to do it in person. I have done this in the past from home with a printer. The "generate" button just says it won't work without a printer.

  Any way to fake it?  :-)


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Lewis are you using the Legacy charting to produce the chart. If so select publish and then the email option it  defaults to a pdf version. Hope this helps.

Rick BC Canada

See what else you might have in your printer folder. Everyone should have a "Microsoft XPS Document Writer." Right click it and "set as default" and try your PDF. If that doesn't work and you have other generic devices try them one by one by setting them as the default. If none of them work then you are out of luck.

Don't forget to reset your normal printer as the default when you get back home.



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