Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Is there a way to get Legacy to include repository infomation in a source citation?

Specifically, I'm citing a privately published book which is not widely available. If the core concept of source citation is to provide the information necessary for another researcher to find the source, then I think I need to include the repository. I entered the info on the repository tab, but can't seem to find a way to get Legacy to include it in the citation (without retyping it in one of the other fields.)

By the way, the template I used in SourceWriter was: books, authored, basic format.

Any ideas?

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The non-chart reports allow you to include the sources and repositories. When you creat a source, there is a tab for the repository information, and you can include notes for the repository, and in the Text/Comments section of the template.

Thank you Carol, that worked!



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