Genealogy Wise

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Legacy 5.0 user wants to have a lowcost/free secure password protected website for family to view

can anyone help? I am a new Legacy 5.0 user who wants to have a lowcost/free secure password protected website for family to view all the records(approx 260) I have for our family. i madea website on rootsweb for free and family members wanted it removed because of the info on it and identity theft. Ideally this site would have password limits and also the ability to handle mutliple users so my dad and uncle in Texas could also add info. Can i I have this if i upgrade to Legacy 7.???

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Have you tried
Hi Michele,

As Brian mentioned, Legacy does make great html pages, but also as he mentioned, it really isn't designed to go any further than that.

What you might want to consider is what is called "The Next Generation." It's a php based web application that does a good job of presenting an interactive genealogy website. They also have a webhost provider that will, for a fee, set up the program and host that part of your website.

The problem that I have found with the php based gedcom viewers is that while the main pages of "living" individual cannot be seen by non-registered-members, those "living" people DO show up in the "tree" or "charting" features of the software, which basically makes the information available even to non-password (registered) viewers when those trees or charts are accessed.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, any display of living people's information is extremely risky, so your relatives are justifiably concerned with their objections.

Take a look at TNG. The author is very open to questions and there may already be an answer in place to the privacy concerns I've mentioned via that vehicle.

Also note that every "flavor" of php based ged program I've found is terribly behind the features of Legacy on your local computer. While they are neat web applications, they're never likely ever going to make you want to depend on them more than you've come to depend upon your Legacy installation at home.

Hope this helps!

Tribal has several different levels of service, starting with a free website and you can put a password on the website or you can have your family register. I have used Tribalpages for 2 years now and I have been very happy with the service and the security. is a good one and they start off with a free site. There's also



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