Genealogy Wise

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I know this question has been talked about a lot, but I must ask it again...I have both programs. Is Family search with legacy better than Ancestry search with FTM. Ialways seem to be torn. I love my Legacy because it gives me so many options.

Thank you


Copperopolis CA

Views: 199

Replies to This Discussion

Joe, I think it is just personal preference and you have to pick one and go with it. I am really happy with Legacy and part of that is the personal service provided. With Legacy I feel almost as though I were part of a family. I have a subscription to Ancestry and couldn't do without it. And I use FamilySearch as well. No single option is the best for everyone.

Best regards, 

Leslie Still

Thank you for your opinion. I tend to use Legacy more. Guess Im just trying to justify subscribing to ancestry. Thanks again


Joe Garcia

Copperopolis CA

Joe, a subscription to Ancestry is expensive, but when you compare it to the cost of travelling to all those places that hold the records you need, accommodation, food, etc., it looks like a pretty great deal! That's how I justify it! That, and the fun it brings me as I do the research!

Good luck with your decision,


And just in case you weren't aware ... if you don't feel you want to subscribe to Ancestry on your own, it is usually available at most of the Family History Centres for free, as well as some of the other pay sites.



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