Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I was going back through the "Legacy User Guide" and on page 72 found where it said I could convert my master source basic templates into SourceWriter templates. Well, I went to the Master Source List, clicked on the Options, but I can't find the "Source Template Conversion Tool"! These are the choices I have: Delete Master Source, Tag/Exclude Options, Change Surety Settings, Combine Duplicates, Purge Unused, Import Lists, then at the bottom there are three additional choices - Print, Zoom, and Options for Non-Sources.

Thanks for any help.

Virginia Jones

Views: 120

Replies to This Discussion

The conversion tool does not exist. I don't remember if it ever did, it's been awhile. Used to be, you could manually combine old sources into new ones, but now it has to be the same template to convert new to new. I did combine some in the early days, but have found that being forced to look at each citation has let me correct many early errors in my database.
That is so weird!! If it doesn’t exist, then why is it in the Legacy 7.0 Users Guide that I had to pay extra for????? Geoff, are you there, and can you explain this?
I think it was supposed to exist and the manual was printed in advance. Apparently problems arose after that and all conversion was deleted. There is a more detailed answer in the old archives of the mailing list
Just search for conversion tool.
Thanks Ron, I'll try that!



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