Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I have found the Picture Centre feature in Legacy quite helpful, except, when a picture caption needs revision after all of the links have been added. The only way I have found to do this is to edit the picture caption on each individual. So, if the picture was linked to 6 individuals, I have to go into each individuals record, bring up the picture and edit the caption and then move to the next individual. A rather cumbersome process. Is there a more effective way to make corrections???

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Thank you Brian for the quick reply. I do complete all the captions, dates and notes before linking the pictures to individuals using the Picture Centre tool. Unfortunately, from time to time when working with larger groups in the picture centre errors of some sort are made, either in the year or identifying the individuals. Its in these instances when you want to go back and correct something that the tool is cumbersome. Maybe that's the price to pay when I make mistakes???
Thanks for the suggestion about using the search and replace feature to change information in picture captions, dates and descriptions. Certainly the data being modified would have to be unique as you suggested, or else it could be dangerous. But I think with my requirements the find and replace feature will work just fine. Thanks again.



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