Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Previously, I'd posted a question about transferring my Legacy software from an old computer to my new computer.  Based on the responses I received, I was easily able to load Legacy onto my new computer. 


However now I'm wondering how toget the data from my old computer to my new one.  I'm thinking that I export the data on my old computer (to either a stick drive or an E-mail) and then import it into my new computer (from either a stick drive or an E-mail).


Assuming that is correct, does anyone know which format (PAF or GEDCOM) would transfer the most data, the easiest?  Does it matter?


Thanks in advance,




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I don't use either, or any, GEDCOM. I just copy the back-up to the Legacy/Data, or wherever the Data folder lives, on the new PC. I use a USB stick for the transport.
Thanks everyone. That all worked well and I am up and running on my new computer. Have a great night!



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