Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I've been a happy Legacy user since I first started researching (not that long ago, I started with Legacy 5.) I was as careful with my sources as I knew how to be then, but I know that some of my older citations are not formatted correctly, and I'm concerned that I may have left some important details out. The SourceWriter is a fantastic feature for new sources, but I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to use it to "clean up" older citations without starting over again.

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Replies to This Discussion

Kathleen, I've had good success converting my existing sources to the SourceWriter-style templates. I published my step-by-step conversion steps to our user group. The archived message is at
Geoff, As I am sure you know many users miss the archives link at the bottom of every page of the User Group Forum. Have you given consideration to republishing this in one of your tutorials/blogs, which I believe will make it more prominent?
Thank you, Geoff... you've been as helpful as always!



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