Genealogy Wise

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Small Research Triupmhs: 1870 Brick Wall: Final Slaveholder of James Jenkins, Pinopolis, Berkeley County, SC

We read so many documents in the course of our research. So rarely do we see a document that bridges the 1870 divide by positively linking a freed person with a surname to the final slaveholder. When we do find a document that bridges that divide for SC, GA or FL, we post it to the Lowcountry Africana 1870 Brick Wall page, then we enjoy a brief genealogy happy dance before we get back to work. :0)

The latest addition to that page is now posted on the Lowcountry Africana blog: a rations request written by plantation owner Y. Calhoun Cain to the Freedmen's Bureau sub-agent for Berkeley County, South Carolina. The document reveals that the final slaveholder of Freedman James Jenkins of Pinopolis was Y. Calhoun Cain's father. Next research steps will be to learn who Y. Calhoun Cain's father was: 1870 Brick Wall: Final Slaveholder of James Jenkins, Pinopolis, Ber....

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Hi Karen,
Congratulations on finding that info and hope more will be forthcoming. We will keep an eye out for them as we work through Union County records!

Toni :)



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