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I'm looking for the following in NH:


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I am researching these names in New Hampshire: Corson, Moore, Sinkler, Rollins, Philbrick, Chase ... to name a few.
My New Hampshire connections include: Page, Philbrick, Lane, Locke, Hussey, Tilton, Drake and Bachiler/Batchelder

Just joined the New England Historic Genealogical Society - am looking forward to diving in on this side of the family with some good resources.
Hi Sue,
I 'm looking for the family of Nelson S. Runnals, born 1891 or 1892 in Farmington, N.H, the only info about him is that he married in 1915 to Alice M. Sanborn . any info would definitely be appreciated..
Hi Don,
I have RunnEls in my family from the Nashua, NH area.
My New Hampshire connection comes from Jonathan Dix, born 11 April 1710, married Sarah Shattuck 28 July 1739, married Miriam Kneeland 17 March 1779, and died 24 December 1804 on Boscawen Plain, Merimac County, New Hampshire. I am descended from his son, John Dix.
I've lots of New Hampshire names to list- I still live here in Rockingham County!

Batchelder, Sanborn, Dearborn, Mace, Frost, Berry, Locke, Wilkinson, Caverly, Abbott, Mead, Stilson, Odiorne, Nason, Weymouth, Ham, Heard/Hurd, Thompson, Stacy, Weymouth, Worcester, Hodson,
Hi Heather - Are you working on Abbotts from the Candia/Chester/Raymond area? If so, I 'm doing that too. In particular Rufus Abbott of Chester.
I'm looking for information On SPOONER and SKINNER. Specifically SOLON W. SPOONER d 1862 in Grafton;

Also Looking for Reuben SKINNER - I can find him in Mass on 1870 Census but can't find family in NH or any mention of huim prior to that. On Death Cert and most census he states was born in NH - Anyone run into any Skinners?



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