Genealogy Wise

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I am a descendant of Neil and Ann Livingston, who arrived in the settlement in 1819, along with their son James and his wife Sarah (Bowie) and other family members. My great-grandmother, Isabella, was James and Sarah's first child. James and Sarah and their younger children moved to Delaware County, Iowa, in 1838. Isabella, her husband Angus Matheson (b. 1810 in Scotland) and their two sons moved to Iowa, in 1840. My grandfather John was the seventh of their eleven children, born in Iowa in 1847.

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Hi Edith!
Welcome to the forum!
Your Mathesons are tweaking my memory strings... I seem to remember coming across some correspondence between them and some Matheson relatives they left behind, maybe something official, too. Was there some sort of court case or dispute that they were involved in as witnesses? I don't know if I copied the material or not... I must do some digging around. to see....
I don't remember hearing about that. I'd be very interested if you find anything.
Unfortunately my brother and cousin who did so much research are no longer with us, but I have another cousin they corresponded with so I'll ask him if he knows anything about it.
Angus is the only Matheson I know of who moved to the U.S., at least at that time.
I heard from my cousin, and he does not remember hearing anything about a lawsuit or court case, either. Could it have been about inheritance, maybe? Since Angus was the only one who was away, he may have felt left out. I don't know.
It's a strange one, Edith. I found the disc I'd saved it to when I was at the archives years ago. I couldn't get into it and so tucked it away (I can't throw anything out, it seems). But I've got a new computer since then, so tried the disc out in it today. It has nothing to do with court at all. My memory was kaput. I sent an email to your hotmail address, but if there is another one you use regularly and I can send attachments to, please email me through the TLSARL site and I'll send the file on to you. It may be of little interest except for their address - looks like hand copied clippings from newspapers sent on to them.
I use the Yahoo address for my e-mail. The one that came with my internet provider just receives junk mail, so I look at it mainly about once a week. Whenever they want to tell me anything, they even use the Yahoo address. I got it when I was without internet at home for awhile and it works fine.
I'm always happy to get any little details. Names and dates are good but don't tell us much about what the people were like or how they lived.
I often think I remember something, then get it a little wrong when I try to tell someone else without stopping to look it up first. I look forward to your e-mail.
I descend from Margaret Livingston and john Ellington Lovejoy's daughter Catherine Elizabeth .,Scotch Grove IA Pioneers
Catherin married John C. Carroll s/o Luke Carroll (Canada) and Dorcas Vanalstine ( N.Y. Dutch) one of their children also named Luke lived in South Fork Delaware Co. IA
Also the surname Mcbeath 2nd wife of John E. Lovejoy
Thats John Ellingwood not Ellington Lovejoy
It's always nice to meet another distant cousin.
I've wondered where the name Ellingwood came from. It keeps turning up among John and Margaret's children.
John's second wife was Joanna McBeath, daughter of Roderick - who was also among the 1815 party to the settlement, as a child - and Mary Livingston, Margaret's sister, who was born in the settlement around 1815.



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