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Rodd Family

A group for anyone with an interest in the surname Rodd or Rod.

Members: 4
Latest Activity: Jan 12, 2011

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Comment by James Alfred Locke Miller Jr. on January 12, 2011 at 9:32pm

Greetings from Southport, North Carolina. I have no Rodd blood, but in the 1970's I worked at the Beaufort, N.C.,airport  for a fish-spotter, Maj. Dick Rodd, and his wife June (also a pilot). Dick was a member of the former enlisted Marine Corps pilots assn. In Hollywood, June had frame-by-frame, painted-out the wires of Mary Martin's "Peter Pan". June was to marry British  actor Leslie Howard; until one morning at work the other girls showed her the morning newspaper: Leslie had run-off with an actress.


I asked did June know that in WWII, our intelligence decrypts of Japanese cyphers indicated the enemy planned to shoot Leslie's aircraft down on his tour?  We had to let Leslie go on the trip and perish, rather than chance that the enemy would realize we'd broken his cypher.


June could have cared less!


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