Genealogy Wise

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I had this information previously on the comment wall. I figured I would move it to a discussion area to track any information that might get posted.

I am researching Anatoly/Anatole Petrovich (Peter) Porai Koshetz (Poray koshitz, Porai Koshitz, Poray Koshetz/Porai Koshetz) b. 9 Aug 1874

Anatoly was in the Russian Army and came to the USA in 1916 with his family for the Russian Artillery Commission. In the 1920 Census Anatoly and family are living in Manhatten, NY and he is working for the Russian Embassy. It 1930 Anatoly and family have moved to Stamford, CT.

According to a book in Russia, Anatoly was buried in Stamford, CT. I do not know where.

This was emailed to me from a gentleman in Russia who has the same last name, but no connection at this point.

Not Forgotten Tombs: The Russian abroad: obituaries 1917 - 1997.

Pavlovsk Military College

Poraj -Koshits Anatoly Petrovich

Years of life: nearby 1874 (1879) - till May 29th, 1937, the USA
The Colonel.

The Pavlovsk military College left the second lieutenant in 1st reserve artillery brigade (1893). In a rank shtabs-captain it was translated on technical service. Examined the weapon in armies of Vilensky military district. In May, 1916 has survived to the USA with the Russian artillery commision (the inspector of artillery orders).
Worked in the perfumery company later. Then unemployed.
A member f a society of Russian officers of gunners.

Under one data has died at the age of 58 years, on another -63 years.
It is buried on May 29th, 1937 in the city of Stamford, CT.

(though the English is rough in this post, this is how it was translated from Russian)

Anatoly was married to Marie/Mary (Basil) Porai Koshetz according to his WW1 Registration card.

I am looking for any information on his parents, his entry into the USA and where he is buried.

We know he went into NY, but have not found any records through Ellis Island. I am assuming that is because he arrived with the Russian Army.

According to family stories, Anatoly and family thought they would be going back home and left many things behind. Due to the overthrowing of the Czar, they remained in the USA. Mary is buried in Lakewood Cemetery in Lakewood, NJ.

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