Genealogy Wise

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Saucier family from France, to Canada, Mississippi. Louisiana and beyond

Members: 8
Latest Activity: Apr 22, 2014

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Comment by sheila LaDean Saucier Clary on April 22, 2014 at 9:47am

Hello : I am from the saucier family I have been searching high and low for information on my family tree...I recently received some info... Pierre Saucier and Isabel nicaise Saucier were my g g g g grandparents....pierre saucier and elizabeth perkins saucier were my g g g grandparents....and I was told that daisy ladner saucier was my g g grandmother and they said Bertrand saucier was my g g grandfather but I can't find info on either one of them....Layden saucier and Helen Ida Swilley Saucier were my grandparents....Douglas Talmadge saucier and Georgie Mitchell Saucier  were my parents. I am the sister of Jacqueline Saucier Marchant. Very interested to know our Indian heritage, so any info on this? 

Comment by harold blackwell on February 19, 2012 at 6:54pm

Hi. Pierre Saucier is my gg grandfather as well. Seems they left a large family tree on th Ms coast. I may have some info on a few of our "common" ancestors. I will try and fill in as many blanks I can. Pierre's son Pierre first married Mary Jane Smith but had no kids. Pierre had 13 brothers and sisters in which Narcisse Saucier line that i'm from. Anyway I have lots more. 

Comment by Jacqueline saucier Marchant on January 27, 2011 at 1:56am

Hello : I am from the saucier family I have been searching high and low for information on my family tree...I recently received some info... Pierre Saucier and Isabel nicaise Saucier were my g g g g grandparents....pierre saucier and elizabeth perkins saucier were my g g g grandparents....and I was told that daisy ladner saucier was my g g grandmother and they said Bertrand saucier was my g g grandfather but I can't find info on either one of them....Layden saucier and Helen Ida Swilley Saucier were my grandparents....Douglas Talmadge saucier and Georgie Mitchell Saucier  were my parents

If any one out there has any information that could help I would greatly appreciate it...

Comment by Lee Stuart George Saucier on February 12, 2010 at 7:57pm
hi from across the pond to all sauciers
Comment by Mary Miller Brenzel on February 4, 2010 at 8:45pm
I am descended from Charles and Charlotte, Louis and Marguerite through their son Charles and Mary Ann Bisson.
Comment by Michelle Saucier Ladner on July 18, 2009 at 6:22pm
My line is as follows:

Charles Saucier, and Charlotte Clariet
Louis Saucier, and Marquerite Gaillard Duplessis
Jean Baptiste Saucier, and Gabrielle Savary
Henri Saucier, and Barbe LaCroix
Jean Baptiste Saucier, and Pelagie Tixerand
Phillipe Pierre Saucier, and Ursule Grelot
Pierre Saucier, and Isabel Nicaise
Henri Severin Saucier, and Elizabeth Jane Tanner
Alfred Ellis Saucier, and Clara Eola Conerly
Clarence Alfred Saucier, and Nettie Lee Anderson
my father: W. Saucier, and G. Ladner
myself: Michelle Saucier, and D. Ladner

Members (8)



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