Genealogy Wise

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Martha Laird
came to America with her brothers and sisters in the early 1730's on
board the same ship with Samuel Harris, who became her husband soon
after landing in Pennsylvania.  Later they moved to North Carolina
and then to Greene County, Georgia.  Samuel Harris gave civil
service in the American Revolution and all eight of Martha Laird Harris'
sons and her three sons-in-law served in the war.

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Do you know what Martha's brothers and sisters names were?  My ggggrandfather was William Laird who settled in Alabama in the early to mid 1800's.  His son Henry Laird according to the census was born in South Carolina.  This family eventually made their way to Walton County, Florida.

Hello Sarahl

Martha and Samuel Harris moved to SC  and then to Georgia, all of her sisters and brothers remained in Pa.

there were NJ Lairds, perhaphs you are from that family




I have a Samuel Harris Laird from Pennsylvania (son of Samuel Thomas Laird and Elizabeth Montgomery), who moved to Illinois. Possibility that he is a cousin/ nephew to your branch? If so, I have it that they originally came from Ireland, not Scotland. If we are related, I would love to exchange notes.

Information from Egles notes page 358, 450, 451 and page 359 for Samuel and Elizabeth Montgomery Laird. Additional information on page 454 re: selling shares in Presque Isle Co. to John Wilkins


Often erroneously listed as child of Samuel Laird of Carlisle and Mary Young.

Is done so in Egles Notes and Queries, series 1 and 2, vol 1, pg 358,

"Laird, Samuel, the son of Samuel Laird, was born at Carlisle Penn'a, on the 15th of February, 1769."

A look at both Samuel and Mary Laird's wills list no heirs. Further, Samuel appoints his brother's son Samuel as executor of his will.

In addition, he appears in an assignment (see it under notes on William Laird), William Laird to Samuel Laird of Harrisburg where he is listed as William's son.

Mr. Laird received a classical education, studied law at Carlisle, and was admitted to the Dauphin county bar at the September term, 1792. He located at Harrisburg, and soon secured a large and successful practice. In the early years of the borough he took an active part in its local affairs, and was a prominent actor in the first decade of its history. He died a Harrisburg, Pa., January 15, 1815.

His Uncle was for many years one of the provincial magistrates of Cumberland county, and, under the Constitution of 1776, one of the justices of the courts.

Note: Several secondary sources name Samuel Laird, born 15th February 1769, as the son of Samuel Laird and wife Mary Young. However, the Wills of both Samuel Laird and wife Mary clearly indicate that they died without issue. The Will of Samuel Laird

of Carlisle, (1732-1806) appears in Will Book G, page 186, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, written 13 May 1793, probated 15 October 1806. The will mentions Rachael Laird, (Mathew Laird's Daughter) and Betsy Brown her niece, along with Samuel Laird's three brothers Hugh, William and Matthew. Samuel Laird names his beloved wife Mary Laird, James Laird son of Hugh Laird, and Saml Laird son of William Laird afforesd; as Executors. The Will of Mary Laird of Carlisle, widow of Samuel Laird, appears in Will Book K, page 337-338, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, probated 23 Feb 1833. Mary left the bulk of her estate to various nieces and nephews not having the surname Laird.


Samuel and elizabeth son of our 4th ggrandfather William Laird


we are from the brother of Samuel Thomas Laird  so your samuel harris laird would have been a nephew

of  our Thomas and both  were sons of Williama Laird and Martha Wilson

I was wondering where you came across the Scotland tie, as everything I see mentions Ireland. I have saved text from several pages of various histories available on Ancestry, and I am sure there is more than one reference stating Ireland as a place of origin for the family. Would love it if they really were from Scotland because the Scottish sites are so much easier to use, and research in Ireland means you have to know WHERE in Ireland to look.


Thanks for the information. I appreciate it! Let me know if I can help further your research in anyway.

Our family research shows they may have been planters from scotland but lived and immigrated from raphoe Ireland
do you have the piece about samuel harris laird and the Lincoln Douglas debates?

Hi Kathryn,


I actually don't have much on him yet, as I have not done in depth research on that particular branch of the family yet. I did read the Douphin County History pages that popped up for his dad, and other Pennsylvania histories on Ancestry. I haven't done my google books searches, or Illinois searches as of yet. I have been pretty heavily researching my dad's side as I found one lead that has lead to a million more. Trying to ride it out =0)


Anything you'd be willing to share would be most appreciated. I am willing to reciprocate in any way I can.


Thanks for the dialogue! (darn spell checker doesn't like the traditional way of spelling dialogue!) Sorry, I'm an editor in addition to trying to go pro genealogist...almost always on the job!

Thanks again,


BTW, I was told a family tale that said when this branch landed in America they were asked their names and occupations and Laird (Lord) was the occupation put down as the name. I really didn't believe this as the immigration stories are rarely as they've been made out to be. Any input on this gem of info?

Have you done much research on the Irish Family Hsitory page, or Scotland's People?


I have seen the name listed as Lord on many early documents also as Leard

the pitt st library in carlise pa has a great file o the early laird family' I have been researching the Laird and harris families for over 12 years with a lot of help from many relatives.

PS what are you an editor of?? just wondering




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