Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

My father was a first generation Sicilian who broke ties with his family when I was 10, so I don't have much for them, not even a single picture. However due to the magic of the internet I at least have their immigration records. Here is what I did with them.

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Lady Liberty isn't green enough. LOL
Happy Dae·
artistic license :)
My grandparents also came in via Ellis Island Papa came in twice. When he went back to Denmark he talked mama into coming over and she did. The English flag really goes with the page before the Ellis Island page for her. She stopped in Scotland and then England for a year to learn English before she got here. She loved England until she came here and from the day she arrived in US until she died she had an American Flag on the kitchen table. At meals we didn't just say grace but also the Pledge

Marcia these pages are very nicely done. You've got all the pertinent information and their personal stories too. And the torn papers give it some more flavor. Great job. Thanks for sharing.



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