Genealogy Wise

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Skaraborg County Ancestry – Sweden


Skaraborg County Ancestry – Sweden

This group is for anyone who have interest in former Skaraborg county in Sweden. You are welcome to post in the "Diskussion Forum" which Your parish belong to.

Please respect to just do queries in the Forum your parish belong to.

Location: Skaraborg County, Sweden
Members: 83
Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2021

Links for Skaraborg

Falköping Emigrants from Falbygden. - Learn more about the area around Falköping.

Götene Släktforskarförening en förening för släktforskare med rötter i Götenebygden

Habobygdens Släktforskarförening

Rötter - Swedish Genealogy Federation

Hans Högman's Genealogy in Sweden The purpose the site is to give information to Americans and other non-Swedes on how to trace their roots in Swedish sources.

Parishes of Västergötland

Lingofriends - A community to learn / teach language . You teach someone your language and in return you can learn swedish.

Swedish Heritage Tour - Genealogical Adventures 2020


Discussion Forum

Essunga Genealogy

Started by Annelie Jonsson. Last reply by Bruce Karstadt Sep 7, 2020. 6 Replies

Falköping Genealogy

Started by Annelie Jonsson. Last reply by Milt Larson Nov 7, 2019. 14 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Skaraborg County Ancestry – Sweden to add comments!

Comment by Swedish on January 6, 2011 at 9:29am
Yhe emigrants from Falbygggden area are verry well documented, so Annelie Jonsson do a good jobb for generations to come that will look for their roots.I am looking for a lady that was born in Härlunda and that moved from Vinköl and these two villages belong to the city Skara,I wonder why Skara do not have any register on the internett of the peopel that was emigrating from that area.It is easyer for peopel sersching in the area Falköping then it is in other cityes.
Comment by Annelie Jonsson on December 21, 2010 at 4:42am

Have been busy all year to include more persons in my data base of Emigrants from Falbygden. The number is now up about 38 000 individualls. And on the website there is an emigrantfamily on display. An example of what I have in the base.

The family start with a Britta Magnusdotter B 1769 in Kinneved parish. You can follow her family from 1715 to almost present time in 4 generations. It start in Sweden and end up in Illinois and Minnesota.




Comment by Annelie Jonsson on March 22, 2010 at 12:07pm
Just updated my As before there are list, now updated lists, based on the birth parish, where the emigrants where born in Falköping area. Now I have also included lists based on States, there the emigrants died.

Comment by Annelie Jonsson on March 22, 2010 at 3:11am
Here in Sweden as also in Norway and Denmark we have three more letters then you have. They are Å, Ä and Ö. How we say our alphabet you find at among with numbers and colors.

Comment by Lynn Anderson on March 21, 2010 at 11:57pm
I found Ås on my map. The church is almost on the shore of Vättern lake almost about 15km east of Vännersborg. My favorite map book is the M+KAK Bilatlas... essentially the Swedish auto club map book.
Comment by Lynn Anderson on March 21, 2010 at 11:31pm
Yes, I see now you really did say the parish name (socken). There is an ÅS parish in Skaraborgs Län (county). Is that the place you mean? Note the spelling--the first letter looks like an a with a circle over it. I learned to call it a Swedish oh... it is a vowel and follows immediately after Z. When you look on lists you have to look near the end of the alphabet! You can find it in the parish list in Cradled in Sweden page 321. Note there are several parishes with the same name. You want the one in Skaraborgs län (county) (dont wory about the s).
Comment by Cheri Hopkins on March 14, 2010 at 1:05pm
Thanks Annelie for the facebook tip!
Comment by Annelie Jonsson on March 14, 2010 at 8:24am
You now find Sveriges Släktforskarförbund The Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies at Facebook.

Comment by Sonja Jenny Porter on March 10, 2010 at 1:54pm
Hello Cheri....I would love a map of Scaraborg. I tried to e-mail you and it came back to me, don't now why? My e-mail is Hope to hear from you soon.
Comment by Annelie Jonsson on March 10, 2010 at 6:18am
I have moved the discussion of Lars Johan Stark into the Discussion Forum - Unknown parish.

Members (83)



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