Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Hi Everyone,

I'm in need of help.  I am in the possession of my 4th-great grandparent's family bible pages.  They were digitally scanned and given to me among genealogy stuff that was handed down to me.  I'm not sure who has the physical bible and none of my family that is interested in genealogy knows either.

There are about 8 pages that were scanned containing family photos.  In total, about 32 pictures.  About 5 out of 32 pictures were labeled with names.  I'm wondering if anyone who is related to Alexander Cumstock Smith and Mary Abbot Bradford might know who these people in the pictures are?

For those not related, does anyone know of other places where I might be able to post this inquiry?

Thank you for your help,

Michelle Gimelberg

Views: 231

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They also have a fb page.  Good luck!

btw, where was this family located?

Thanks.  I'll have to check the page out.  Those that I know of were in Bradford County, Pennsylvania.  Not sure if any of them left that area farther than New York.



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