Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

One society that is trying something different was chronicled by Randy Seaver on his Genea-Musings Blog recently. You can read about it at this link: After reading, BE SURE TO HIT YOUR BROWSER BACK BUTTON and return here and let us know what you think.

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I read Randy's blog post, this one I must have missed when he first posted. I try to read his often. I think the ideas are wonderful. Gives the meetings less of a formal feel to them. Seems like a comfortable place to go. I know in the past I have gone and listened to speakers at a local meeting and it felt very formal to me (it was my first meeting I went to). With the uncomfortable feeling of this formal meeting, plus I was much younger then everyone there. I think that if local societies starting taking these steps attendance could increase.

I especially like the idea of setting a price limit for menu items, many places are starting to have economy pricing (2 for $20) with a limit as to what part of the menu can be ordered from.

Even if the local societies do not move forward with these great ideas, there are web sites for people to "meet up" that can be used to find others in your area that might like to get together and brainstorm, talk about your current research, or help each other with brick walls.



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