Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Save Our (Local Genealogical) Societies


Save Our (Local Genealogical) Societies

Discussion, Tips, and Innovations to strengthen and help local genealogical societies with growth and ideas for activities

Members: 39
Latest Activity: Sep 7, 2019

Discussion Forum

"First Families" projects?

Started by Allison Fredrickson. Last reply by Allison Fredrickson Jan 23, 2014. 2 Replies

Genealogical Society websites

Started by M. Diane Rogers Dec 11, 2010. 0 Replies

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Comment by James P. LaLone on September 13, 2010 at 1:24pm
Interesting article:

The new FAMILY TREE MAGAZINE (Nov 2010) is now available. One article of interest may be: “Closing the Generation Gap”, 5 genealogists age 26 and younger, pp. 8-10.
Comment by Sally Nelson on September 12, 2010 at 9:46pm
Deason--I do post queries in our newsletters and some of our members have done some RAGKs, but I am sure there are more things we can do. Unfortunately, when I have asked our long-distance members for suggestions of what we can do for them I don't get responses. On the other hand, if we can work out some type of reciprical sharing with them, that might be workable. It is worth considering.

I look forward to hearing suggestions from other members of this group.

For now, good luck with your research and growing your Societies.
Comment by Deason Hunt on September 12, 2010 at 9:16am
"How do I best serve our long-distance members?"
Sally, I'm with you on that question. I have a feeling that in the long run its answer is how local societies will thrive and grow. We get together once a month informally before the regular meeting and eat at a local restaurant. Not every local member participates regularly, but it is a place where we visit and do some bonding. I wish I knew how to get that same experience for our distant members. I wonder if anyone out there is working on solutions to this situation.
Comment by Sally Nelson on September 12, 2010 at 6:42am
sorry--I hit a key too soon! The business portion of our meeting takes about 15 minutes and we try not to "bore" members with committee business. But at the same time, if the Board makes the decisions and does not get the membership involved, it is hard to find people willing to step up and work on committees or hold office--what a dilema! Our Board meets the first week of the month and the membership meets the third week. That way there is time to prepare for the meetings.

We have a web site and a newsletter that is available and they seem to be used a lot for communications.

One problem I am concerned with is our members who live out of our "service" area. Since we are fairly new at this, we have not published anything yet. As newsletter editor I try to put in links for people to research, but we have not had much submitted to publish on local people--mainly where to go and how to find information. How do I best serve our long-distance members?
Comment by Sally Nelson on September 12, 2010 at 6:35am
Our genealogical society is beginning its 7th year. In the beginning people came, set up the chairs, sat through the meeting portion and we had a speaker. They then got up put the chairs away and left!!! There was no social interaction (I think because we were all strangers to each other and it is hard to make new friends as we get older). Over the years we have tried very hard to change that--now people linger after the meetings and talk about their finds and their brick walls. We have grown over the years and I feel that is a big part of it. T
Comment by Deason Hunt on September 11, 2010 at 9:49pm
In addition to our society meetings, I have been meeting with two separate and smaller (and less organized groups). At these we talk about our research, get helpful discussions of our brick wall areas, and show the excitement that I guess most of us felt when we first got into genealogy. We've had no speakers and no business meetings at either, and I find them refreshing.
Comment by Deason Hunt on September 11, 2010 at 9:46pm
We also experience what I call "death by Roberts Rules of Order" at our once monthly meetings. I started making the comment this summer that our meetings consist of sitting politely in rows and listening to a speaker and then the (yes, deadly) reading of minutes and treasurer's reports. I have taken a series of pictures at meetings over the last year, and almost no one is smiling at our meetings. So, I have been preparing the way by promoting the idea of if's not fun, why are we doing it? I have been talking up several ideas which include business meetings not held monthly, more authority for elected officers to conduct normal business and publish the results by email or quarterly newsletter, more "doing stuff" meetings. I don't know how we can get new, younger members if we continue to run our meetings like they were run in the LAST century. I don;t know about anyone else, but after 45 minutes of sitting quitely on a chair, my seat and my mind start to go numb.
Comment by Deason Hunt on October 5, 2009 at 12:49pm
Thanks for the comments, Terri. I went over and looked at the Paypal option for allowing credit card or Paypal purchases, and it looks promising. It was a really goods suggestion that I'll take up with the society.
Comment by Terri O'Connell on October 4, 2009 at 5:28pm

I love the set up. You have all the information there and it is easy to find. Which I find is the biggest problem with some of the local societies.

The only thing I would look into changing, is nothing related to the site. If it is possible for the society to set up the ability to join the society on line. Sometimes, it is just easier for those of us at home to do it that way. For instance, NEHGS had an add on Facebook and I was able to click through it and join. Keep in mind it was something I had wanted to do, it was just easier for me to do it this way.

Otherwise, I love the crisp feel to it. Great job!
Comment by Deason Hunt on October 4, 2009 at 5:05pm
I am inviting anyone who is willing to help to take a look at our new society weblog/website at The blog is meant to make available quarterly newsletter items available to interested society members in real time as they visit the blog rather than having to wait three months for the newsletter. Blog posts wil be used to prepare the quarterly newsletter which will be made available as a .pdf or .rtf download from the blog page. Those who still wish a paper newsletter can print out their own. This is intended to save the society the printing and mailing expense which makes up a large part of our yearly budget. For those few members who do not have computer or internet access, we will print out paper copies and mail. It is expected this group will grow smaller in numbers over the years. It is undecided if we will also mail paper exchange copies to other societies or inform them where they can download and print their own. I would appreciate your opinions on this question and the weblog page and plan to cut production costs. Any suggestions of where we could improve would also be appreciated.

Members (39)



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