Recent updates to the Hand County, South Dakota website include:
Obituaries - 14 new added: Wainman, Barber, Gifford, Hill, Peterman, Miller, Ellis, Parmely, Vetter, Blackburn, Knapp, Creager, Kopecky, Meehan
News Articles, Accidents and Deaths - surnames mentioned are Haas, Kopecky
News - Social News: Morton
News (Other) -
surnames mentioned: Miller, Hancock, Horner, Harmon, Bronemann, Ball, Wulf, Waldner, Starks, Labor, Parmely, Haberling, McCool, Bartz, Ellis, Walton, Peterka, Foreman, Tielke, Schaefers, Augspurger, Oligmueller, Bradley, Menning, Zieger, Cotton, Nuhsbarmer, Wieseler
Topics: prairie fire, REA power line installation, June 1952 County Statistics