Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Southern California Genealogical Society and Family Research Library


Southern California Genealogical Society and Family Research Library

The Southern California Genealogical Society headquarters in Burbank, California, houses a library with over 35,000 books, magazines, maps, CDs, periodicals and family histories. SCGS sponsors the annual Genealogy Jamboree.

Location: Burbank, California
Members: 251
Latest Activity: Sep 6, 2015

Tour the Southern California Genealogical Society Family Research Library

Discussion Forum

Looking for Lost Aunt last address San Francisco

Started by Kathryn Brannigan Walizer. Last reply by Lynn Anderson May 3, 2011. 7 Replies

Come to Jamboree!

Started by Paula Hinkel. Last reply by Kate Tello Feb 7, 2010. 5 Replies

Great New Exhibitors at Jamboree

Started by Leo Myers Jan 9, 2010. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Southern California Genealogical Society and Family Research Library to add comments!

Comment by Paula Hinkel on May 12, 2012 at 12:30am

Jamboree: Share your Favorite Ancestor Photos for a Chance to Win

We are just ONE month from opening the doors to the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree. Let's kick-start the Jamboree season with a special announcement. It might not be a $640 million lottery, but it would be so much fun to win.

To celebrate the Jamboree theme of Lights, Camera, ANCESTORS, our partner, 1000memories, is sponsoring a photo contest, and you can win a prize valued at $220.
Read all about it - Upload your photos or vote on the uploads of others. Best of all, you don't even have to attend Jamboree in order to participate in the photo contest.  Thanks to the contest sponsors 1000Memories!
Comment by Paula Hinkel on August 21, 2009 at 11:13am
Congratulations Barbara! I know that as time goes on, those discoveries seem to become fewer and further between. It's great that you've been paid back for the hard work and dedication you've shown.
Comment by Barbara Ann Renick on August 21, 2009 at 11:07am
My genealogy karma paid off big time in the last few weeks. Most of you know it can take anywhere from 30 hours to 3 years to create a genealogy lecture. I spend more than half my time doing lectures rather than doing genealogy. You don't break even on the money you get paid for giving genealogy lectures. It is a form of pay back to those who generously taught and shared with me over the years. But once in a while you get paid back in other ways. Karma. Two distant cousins found me this month (one from hearing me mention a surname in a lecture) and have generously shared their extensive research with me. It is better than Christmas.
Comment by William S Dean on August 10, 2009 at 11:55am
This is for Jennifer and anyone else in the Orange County area. The Huntington Beach Library has a very extensive genealogy section under the aegis of the Orange County California Genealogical Society. The Society houses over 17,000 volumes dealing with genealogy. Good hunting!
Comment by Paula Hinkel on August 2, 2009 at 9:32pm
The News & Notes

The Aug-Sep-Oct issue of The News & Notes, the SCGS member newsletter, has been posted and is available on the SCGS website. Just click on "The News & Notes" icon you see on the right hand side of your screen.

You will need Adobe Reader in order to view the newsletter. Download the most recent version of Adobe Reader at

Pam Wiedenbeck did a great job with this issue. It's chock-full of news about Jamboree, SCGS interest groups, and "Our Recent Discoveries," a new reader feature that lets us share our research triumphs with other members.

The Searcher

We apologize for the very late delivery of the Summer Searcher. Due to the workload associated with Jamboree and a lack of a printing volunteer, the issue is being printed commercially and mailed through a professional mail house. This was a new experience for us, and we learned a great deal in the process.

Those of you who attended Jamboree received your copy of The Searcher in your registration bags. The mailed copies should be reaching your doorsteps within a week or so. We appreciate your patience.
Comment by Paula Hinkel on August 2, 2009 at 9:30pm
You may have heard that SCGS is involved in a Strategic Planning process, and you may even have completed a survey in April or May related to that planning activity. The results of the survey have been very valuable and we are already starting to implement some of the suggestions.

That survey pointed out the need for a deeper look at both The News & Notes, the SCGS newsletter, and The Searcher, the SCGS quarterly journal. (Jamboree attendees received an issue of The Searcher in the registration packet.)

We want to make the periodicals as valuable and worthwhile as possible while controlling our expenditures. Your feedback into The Searcher and The News & Notes will help us with this. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Please help us design the best tools for communicating with you.

Click here to begin the survey.

Thank you in advance for your input!
Comment by Paula Hinkel on July 23, 2009 at 6:58am
Jennifer, oops I missed your earlier comment.

Unfortunately, we do not have a chapter of SCGS in Orange County. There are other groups in Orange County, however. You might get started looking at the Orange FamilySearch Center (formerly known as the Family History Center). There are genealogical societies in Orange County and you can find them - here's a link to one:

To join the Southern California Genealogical Society, you can go to our website shopping cart and subscribe online. Here's the link to the membership page: SCGS Memberships

I hope to see you soon at one of our events, Jennifer!
Comment by Paula Hinkel on July 23, 2009 at 6:48am
Carol, thanks for the kind words. The SCGS library has grown over the past 45 years due to the committed support of our members. It's managed and staffed entirely by volunteers who donate thousands of hours a year to maintain the collection. Many of the items came through donations of materials and of money and it grew over time.

We rent the building that houses our collection and our Society offices. It's a major expense to the Society. As you get started, you might want to start speaking with the library system there to see if they would be interested in a partnership arrangement at first.

Please consider a "field trip" down to Burbank to visit the library in person. We host several group tours and with advance notice, we can line up librarians and others with special research needs.
Comment by Carol Byers on July 22, 2009 at 4:09pm
Your library is wonderful. We have nothing like it in The Sacramento, CA area? I'd like to know how you were able to get it going. I'm on the board of the Sacramento Genealogy and Historical Society of the Sacramento Valley, and would love to do something like that here! I've started a committee and we're meeting this Friday to "Brain-Storm" .

It is a crime that we have nothing that here!!

Any advise would be helpful, I'm going to show you video to everyone in this area. Maybe it will lead to something?

Comment by Leslie Mehana on July 12, 2009 at 9:23pm
What a grrrreat open house you guys put on Saturday, July 11. Scrumptious, nutritious and delicious food, an understandable and useful tour with directions on how to use the materials, an intro to the people who make this all possible. Did I mention all that food?

Members (250)



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