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My gr grandfather lived in New York. Charles H. Thompson b. March 3, 1844.d.july1, 1903 in Dukle Center, PA. He married Mary Jane Leckonby b. March 27, 1848 - d. Nov. 11, 1928

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My great grandparents came from Ireland and settled in Illinois. they were Edward 'Thompson and Mary Kirley
thompson. My grandfather was FRancis Xavier Lawrence Thompson and died in1949 in clay Co.Mo.

Hi Lois: I don't see any familiar names or locations connecting my Thompsons to yours. Sorry we don't connect.

Parents of Charles H. Thompson:   Charles William Thompson - B. July 10, 1822   Married to Mary Ann Green.   They were parents of 6 children,  Charles H., John C., Mary A., Marcha., Sarah L., William O.

Parents of Charles William Thompson:   Elias G. Thompson - B. May 30, 1795   Married Lucia Kogers on September 19, 1818.    Parents of 11 children.

Parents of Elias G. Thompson:   Thomas Thompson Jr.  B. December 8, 1765   Married Dorcas Green, B. March 8, 1770

  children were Hanah Thompson, B. Jan. 26, 1794 And Elias G. Thompson, B. May 30, 1795

Parents of Thomas Thompson Jr.:  Thomas Thompson & Dorcas Chamberlain.   They had 10 children.



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