Genealogy Wise

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I am searching for descendants who also had an ancestor (Union or Confederate) in Pickett's Charge in the Battle of Gettysburg, PA on 7/3/1863.  It would be great to meet on-line and share info that we have about this iconic event in the Civil War.

My wife's 2nd great grandfather, William Thomas Vernon, and his brother James H. Vernon were in this battle.  William was wounded in the thigh and James was captured as a POW.  These two brother's were in the 38th Virginia Regiment, Company C, from Pittsylvania County, Virginia.  This regiment was in General Armistead's brigade which was under General George Pickett.

Does anyone know if there is a list of the confederates that breached The Angle at the High Water Mark of the Confedercy on 7/3/1863?  William T. Vernon survived the Civil War and lived until 1928.  My wife and I went to Gettysburg twice in 2011 and took photographs and video.

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Hey John Welcome to Genealogywise! I see you have gotten  15 views counting mine. So hopefully you will get some activity.





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