Genealogy Wise

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I am trying to tie down the Company my ancestor Elijah Johnson served in during the War of 1812. I know that he was born about 1785 in Virginia, and moved North as a child. He attended a Methodist Seminary in New York, where he was Ordained as a Minister. He was in Pennsylvania from 1808 to 1811, when my ancestor Sarah Johnson and her brother Elijah were born. He was also a member of the American Colonization Society, and emigrated to Liberia in 1820.

Here are the three Units listing Elijah Johnson:
1. 1st Regiment (Harris), New York Militia-Private
2. 2nd Regiment (Ward's), New York Militia-Private
3. Hills Regiment Pennsylvania Militia - Private

If anyone has information on my ancestor or questions, please contact me.

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I am also a decendent of Elijah Johnson when he settled in Liberia and would liek to know more about my background.
Are you in Liberia or here in the States? Can you share some information on Elijah when he was in Liberia?

Look forward to communicating with you.



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