I have been searching for over a 2 weeks for Wiltshire Parish Records prior to 1837. It seems The Wiltshire Historical Society has decided to
allow the website "Find my past" a pay per view or subscription site
to have sole possession of these records. Most other counties in England have online or at least ability to purchase their records. I have found a few sections of Wiltshire on CD but they do not cover the areas I need. Northern Wiltshire. Caste Combe, Trowbridge, Melksham and Chippenham. I would purchase the whole county if I could get the towns I am searching. It is very frustrating for me as I live in the USA and really need those records to source my information. I have a subscription to Ancestry World, which has allowed me to obtain a few extracts, but without more information
such as parents names or siblings name have not been able to make rhyme or reason of the extracted material. LDS has given me minimal results also. I have about exhausted all my options at this point short of rejoining Find my Past which I found quite exhorbitant in price for what you receive. After having just broken thru a wall after 10 years on one side of the family it is most aggrevating to say the least. Do any of the researcher on the Wiltshire site have any suggestions?
Any help with this appreciated.
Jen from USA