thomas Harris


Charleston, WV

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Mooney Sloan Peyton Harris Neal
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Bob Mooney-Pa

    I have a fair amount of info on this Mooney line. Most is on Mathew and his twin brother Lewis.
    If theres anything you need to know just ask.
  • thomas Harris

    I also wanted to tell you if you want to email me direct my email is
  • thomas Harris

    I am new on this site so I am not sure if I did the last one correctly so here we go again. Do you have any theories on the father of John S Mooney h/o Sarah Stoneman. Also do you happen to have a picture of Matthew Mooney? By the way my line is Thomas Harris s/o Lon Robert Harris s/o Lena Sloan Harris d/o Mary "Mollie" Mooney Sloan d/o Sampson B Mooney s/o Alexander Houston Mooney s/o John Lewis "Ralph" Mooney
  • Bob Mooney-Pa

    No idea who John S father might be. I think John S. was born in Va. but thats about it on him and back. My brickwall to
  • Bob Mooney-Pa

    Funny I didn't notice you lived in Charleston. I was there in June for a reunion of the 7th WV Cavalry. This was the Reg. Mathew and Lewis belong to after being in the Confed.