Emily Doolin Aulicino


United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Boers, Burson, Canterbury, Carter, Conard, Derby, Doolin, Evans, Ellis, Franklin, Gilmore, Gray, Hartwell, Harty, Hatfield, Husor, Jarad, Jenkins, Kilgore, Kunders, Lamson, Lane, McCoon, Michael, Miller, Mills, Neal, Ogan, Parker, Payne, Pierson, Pugh, Roberts, Robertson, Rogers, Sherrill, Simpson, Smith, Storrier, Stubblefield, Studivan/Studyvin, Talley, Thompson, Trent, Watson, Whitmore, Williams, Wilson, Wycal/Wickle
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, Scoltand, Wales, England, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Genetic Genealogy. I do speaking presentations on Genetic Genealogy and on writing one's childhood memories and family stories. I also teach classes locally on the latter topic.

Northwest Regional Coordinator and Speaker for ISOGG (www.isogg.org)
Administrator for twelve FTDNA DNA Projects
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • Roy Victor Cruwys

    Hi Emily,
    No, I do not know Debbie Kinnett. But I do know Debbie Kennett, and we have been corresponding by Email for quite a while now. I have even taken her DNA test.
    I do thank you for your concern.

  • Shirley Cates

    Emily, I was in touch with you along time ago, I am a decendant of John and Polly Douglass Ogan, their son Irwin Ogan, his son Andrew Gish and his son Charles H Ogan was my grandfather (all proven)
    I know Chet Ogan in Eureka CA. I pretty much have it all from Irwin down.
    Thanks for inviting me Shirley
  • Barbara Bradley Petura

    Hi Emily,
    Thanks for posting on the Haplogroup U group here at GenealogyWise. I've started a discussion for everyone who has Haplogroup U results and would like to share what they know of their maternal ancestry. I also read with some interest the post on your blog about government control of DNA test for genealogy purposes. Sure suggests now is the time to test your mtDNA and Y chromosome DNA!
  • Barbara Bradley Petura

    Hi Emily, I'm not a proponent of any particular DNA testing service over another one. The Haplogroup U group is for all interested in mtDNA testing who want to learn, share results and share maternal ancestry. If you have a blog post about how to choose a testing company, I just started a discussion called Testing Your mtDNA and I'd love to have you post there with links to your posts on this topic. Thank you! Barbara
  • Roger Lamson


    I submitted a comment about Toppesfield, Essex, UK register findings, but I don't see that it showed up. Was it lost?

  • Gary W. Fick

    Thank you.

  • Heather Halpern

    Hi Emily,

    I read on the Haplogroup U page that you were looking for "at least a U5a1". I'm a U5a1b1. Let me know if I can [try to] answer any family history questions. :)

    ~ Heather