
72, Female

Salyersville, KY

United States

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
harris, trusty,hammonds, auxier, williams, bailey, hale, muphy, patrick,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
i have magoffin co. ky cen. amd marrige record, and the will look up from what i have if i can.

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  • Jenn Layne

    Okay... Well, first off because these events were more recent you're going to have privacy law issues. Your best bet, is knowing where he died and seeing if there wasn't additional hospital records upon his death that related to his parents, his next of kin or his wife. Was there an obituary upon his death? Is there a headstone over his grave? Who paid for his stone and burial? If he was buried on church or public grounds they keep good records... You shouldn't have too much trouble beyond having to py for copies of things.

    I wish I could be more help, but at this point it sounds like you are just stuck in the research stage... I'm not seeing a direct link to our tree, but you never know what might crop up within a few generations! Good luck with everything and if we can be of any more help please dont' hesitate to write! :)
  • mae

    thank you i have the death record it say he died in ohio in a us depo hospital and they brought him here in ky an buried him but there is no marker the woman he was married 2 was my grand mal and she was 18 when he died so she was that last 2 no anythin and she died when i was 2 she married my granpal after and 5 other kids and pal would tell us any thing about it and i now i have family on her side there the harris child that they had but i cant find them cause wht i have told u is all i can go by but thinks for your help. Thank you i just run up in this a friend told me 2 look and i seen you and it seem you had alot of knought about how 2 do this kind of work im new at this an have no clue of wht im doing thank you again.
  • John Hale


    The John Hale you are seeking info on is my great great (gg) grandfather. Info I have shows his son (John Hale) married Nancy Trusty first and then after her death married Margaret Trusty. I have a copy of John and Margaret's marriage certificate dated 1904. I have a family tree for Nancy Trusty, but not much on Margaret Trusty. I also have the 1850 census for Perry County, KY that  shows John Hale and Sally (Sarah Fawbush) and their children (William Mary Ann, Eliza, and Henry). I also have the 1860 census for Magoffin County, KY that shows John, Sarah and their other children. His son John who was married to the Trusty women was born about 1854 in Perry County, KY.


    I think that my gg grandfather was born in one of these Virginia counties: Grayson, Washington, or Wythe. But, I can't find any info on him before the 1850 census of Perry County, KY.