Koczar Koenig


Fife, Scotland.

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Wilson, Gunter, Johnston, Meatyard, May, Wicks, Hardiman, Tuck
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, Australia, Scotland, Wales, England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Koczar Koenig

    Hi Pamela,
    Sorry to say i am not researching the Koenig name. l;ong story. My main interest is the Gunter name..and my partners maiden name Gourlay. Both came from norman knights. Sir Peter Gaunt d'Or and Sir Gerard de Gournai
    Sir Gerard died while on Crusade in the Holy Lands..and Sir Peter fought against King William Rufus II. Son & heir of William the Conqueror.
    Sir Peter ended up conquering southern Wales on behalf of King Rufus, and was given lands in the Brecons.
    The family seat for 500+years was Tregunter..also known as Gunterstone.
  • Eva Pritchard

    Hi, yes I think it is Ivy Iona Thomas (Dec 12 1912 - Oct 27 1984) you are on about now. David Pritchard was my husbands grandfather. They married in July 1934, but not sure of the date.
  • Eva Pritchard

    Thank you, yes I know that the marriage certificate would help me in many respects, but as you said, genealogy is not a cheap hobby. Ok, £9.00 isn't really too much money, but if one are buying several certificates it will be costly...

    I'm also on Ancestry and I have found a lot of family members there that neither me or my husband knew about. I had monthly access for 3 months, but have now decided to "take a brake" from researching for some weeks, because I don't have time with family and friends visiting all summer.

    Enjoy your researching time on Ancestry!