
Roseville, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Nix, Harrington, MacGillavry
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Indonesia, India, Germany, France, Scotland, ireland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?

Comment Wall:

  • Gerry Sawyer

    Hello, Afton,

    Are you a member of the Roseville Genealogical Society in CA? I live in Rocklin & am a member of this group. You seem to have the credentials to make an interesting & educational speaker which we are always seeking for our meetings. Please contact me at

    Gerry Sawyer
  • Gerry Sawyer

    Thank you for your prompt reply, Afton. My comment that you may be a good speaker at the Roseville Genealogical Society was based on your Profile information that you are an advanced family history researcher. We have a little over 100 members of the local society, with an average meeting attendance of 40 or so persons. We meet twice a month at the Maidu center near the library off Rocky Ridge; 2nd & 4th Tues. from 1 to 3 p.m. & you're welcome to come anytime. We will be having a good speaker on the 11th.

    G. Sawyer
  • AftonLenoreHarringtonMacGillavry

    Mr. Sawyer,

    I do have a high level of family history information in a science related area. And after further thought, perhaps I have underestimated my knowledge and perhaps what I have learned may assist others.

    I think I became concerned about my knowledge from a medical or science related area, because what I know is not what people who are prone to be Politically Correct might want to hear.

    I live in Placer County and have been active in the county since 1981. I've seen a lot of changes in the area. One other item is that I have knowledge that M.D.'s have that they do not share for reasons that I do not fully understand. Since I do not understand why M.D.'s do not share the info, I presume I am a little concerned about opening a can of worms.

    Perhaps, we should speak one on one.
