Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

New Course: Australian Newspapers and Biographies

The National Institute for Genealogical Studies is proud to announce a new course authored by Shauna Hicks, Australian Newspapers and Biographies.

Newspapers are a wonderful research tool as they can provide background information on our ancestors that may not be found in official documents. As well as the expected notices of births, engagements, marriages, deaths, burials and obituaries we may also find reference to their sporting activities or involvement in community events. References to insolvencies, bankruptcies, other misdemeanors or more serious crimes can lead to court and criminal records at the archives. This course focuses on using both historical and current newspapers to flesh out our knowledge of our ancestors and the communities in which they lived. 

A useful companion to newspapers are biographical resources and these can be for an individual or a defined group and based on a local, state or national level. Often referred to as biographical dictionaries or pioneer registers these resources can provide a quick background on an individual which can then be followed up in newspapers and official records. 

By using these two types of resources, you will be able to add substantially to your knowledge of your ancestors. As more and more of these resources are digitized and placed online making them easier to access and to search, there is a constant need to go back and revisit your research to find any new material on your ancestors. 

To learn more about Australian Newspapers and Biographies see our website

Last updated by Gena Philibert Ortega Oct 14, 2014.


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