February 2015 Chat Schedule
As of February 2, 2015
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Monday, February 2, 10:00 pm EST GENTREK will present "The mechanics of accessing court records." It is important to understand the different types of records that are created in the course of either a civil or criminal lawsuit and where and how the records are kept. Depending on the location and management of the court records, they can vary from impossible to access to freely available online. However, freely available online is the very small exception to the general rule.
Tuesday, February 3, 8:00pm (ET). Genealogy Trivia Chat.
Your Chat Host, Rita-Louise Ely
Tuesday, February 10, 8:00pm (ET). Genealogy Trivia Chat.
Your Chat Host, Rita-Louise Ely
Tuesday, February 17 , 8:00pm (ET). Genealogy Trivia Chat.
Your Chat Host, Rita-Louise Ely
Your Hosts Jayne McCormick and Dae Powell
My name is Jayne McCormick. I live in the First State. I've
been working on genealogy for at least 30 years. My family had
put together a lot of information, but none of it was documented.
I'm working on that.
I began to host a Civil War chat about 1995 in the old Golden
Gate Genealogy Forum, and moved on through all the AOL changes. I
joined Dae in GENTREK April 18, 2005.
I taught a beginner's genealogy class at my local Senior Center,and
now we get together once a month to ask questions and
share stories.
I am on the Board of Directors of the Fort Delaware Society where
I am the liason between the Society and the Volunteer Brigade
who goes to Pea Patch Island and keeps the trail to the Heronry
open.They take care of the garden, paint, anything that needs to
be done.
This has been a fantastic journey.
This is Dae Powell, designer and operator of
ShoeStringGenealogy.com. I designed ShoeString Genealogy in order
to share what I've learned with you and what I'm still learning. I
designed GENTREK for the same reasons and to learn from the
discussions the follow the presentations.
I've been researching my family's history since 1972, but for
the first 20 years my results were somewhat serendipitous. Once
I studied what professionals do, which resources are trustworthy,
and how to properly document my sources, I progressed more rapidly.
It has been an odd odyssey.
Having been trained in research and analysis, I find those
skills paramount in genealogy. I've extensive experience in
English,Portuguese, Hebrew and German. (My Spanish is improving.)
In the computer field I learned logic, flow charting and
procedural analysis. While an intelligence analyst, I learned to
look at data from as many perspectives as possible. As a banker, I
learned business acumen and financial strategies. My college
education in history only whetted my appetite for the best parts of
genealogy—the motivations, the customs, the stresses and the
stories of our ancestors!
A hearty "thank you" to the many people on AOL, the GenealogyLookup
Forum, the National Genealogical Society, and the good people at
Wholly Genes Software. I've learned so much from you. And a special
"thank you" to several of my close friends and mentors who have
supported my genealogical efforts so loyally: Jayne McCormick, my
GENTREK partner, Christine Rose, FASG, *** Eastman,Patricia Law
Hatcher, FASG, Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak, and of course, Elizabeth
Shown Mills, FASG. It will be so much fun sharing GENTREK here on
GenealogyWise.com. Join us for some genealogical edu-tainment.
Your Host, Jim Avery
I am 60 years old and have been retired from the Department
of Veterans Affairs ( VA ) for the past four years. While there I
was a Military Records Specialist. I have a BA in Politics and
Public Affairs from the University of Miami (Go Canes!) I was born
in Harrisburg PA and since college have lived in Virginia and
Vermont and am now back in PA - York County to be exact. I am a
member of the York County Heritage Trust, the Adams County
Historical Society, and the Dover (PA) Historical Society. My areas
o finterest include genealogy of course, local history,
Gettysburg,Paranormal research and Para-genealogy (where paranormal
and genealogy meet), and early religious groups in PA. When in
VermontI was a volunteer on Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
(www.raogk.com ) I volunteered
to photograph tombstones. I was a host on the old Golden
Gates Genealogy Forum on AOL. I currently informally co-host a
paranormal chat there. I also co-host a General Genealogy chat and
a Paranormal chat on Genealogy Lookup Forum. Other hobbies
include raising my dog Stormy (shown with me in my
photography),photography, reading, painting and ghost hunting.
Your Host, Erin Bradford
I am a genealogy librarian at the State Library of North Carolina. I have been doing my own family’s genealogy for about 20 years, 16 seriously. I also work on other genealogy projects focused on North Carolina genealogy. I now help other researchers with their genealogy almost exclusively through my job at the State Library and work on my own projects on the weekends.
I am originally from Montana and the first in my direct family line not born in North Carolina (dad’s home state) since 1770 or Illinois (mom’s home state) since the mid 1800s.
My genealogical focuses are North Carolina genealogy, identifying and documenting free African Americans in antebellum North Carolina (hence my screen name freeaainnc), and identifying and documenting the many Bradfords who lived in North Carolina in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Your Host, Gus Marsh
I started at McDonnell Douglas in 1968, first as a UNIX and later as
a Macintosh I/T Specialist/Advisor. In 1993 McDonnell Douglas was
one week away from bankruptcy, and they got IBM to purchase all of
the computers, desktops, mainframes, and gave McDonnell Douglas a
check for three million dollars with a signed contract to
support those computers for 10 years. On one Friday we were all
working for McDonnell Douglas, and the next Monday we were all
working for IBM.In 1995 Boeing purchased McDonnell Douglas. In
2003, the contract with IBM expired, and many of us went back to
Boeing. This is a perfect example of our current complicated
business world of mergers, acquisitions and buyouts. I retired from
Boeing in the summer of 2008 and pursed my career in genealogy. I
had started family research around 1983, using PAF, then later on
Reunion. I am a life-time member of OCCGS (Orange County California
GenealogicalSociety). I dabbled into genealogy off and on, but
really got serious when I retired. I have researched in Salt Lake
City,Buffalo, New York and Oslo, Norway. I have published one book
to date, made several family history calendars, created many
family history DVD's and most recently created a family history
series of posters, both on my maternal and paternal family.
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